With my latest blog post on Google Wave and SAP Enterprise Service made it to the top on SDN. It is nice to have a post that is popular.
Not I just need to create other post which makes it to the top.
Daniels comments
With my latest blog post on Google Wave and SAP Enterprise Service made it to the top on SDN. It is nice to have a post that is popular.
Not I just need to create other post which makes it to the top.
I want to learn some more about how to use Google Wave and how wave could be implemented in organizations. I therefore would like to develop some applications which could be used in organization. I started out very optimistic and thought at I could make an application on Google App Engine easily. I had a lot of free time, since I was not on a project, and could therefore concentrate on developing.
I tried to find a framework which could run on appengine both Jruby on Rails and Groovy on Grails. Both of the frameworks worked on app-engine, but it was too early to start on high performance development on App-engine for a beginner. I therefore spend a lot of time on working getting the frameworks to work, time which could be spend on being productive and creating a Ruby on Rails app which could be hosted on a private server.
I found a solution to my problems. I talked to Rasmus about hiring people from abroad. Rasmus recommend using replacemyself.com to hire a Pilipino using bestjobs.ph. I found some Java programmers and writers there for much less, that I would be able to hire one in Denmark. So it was an affordable way to hire on. It would be more convinent to hire a Dane, but then the price would be much more different.
So now my status has change, I’m an employer instead of a developer. I now need to specify what I want in stead of trying to get it working.
I have startet the Mastering wave project a website where we will share some to the knowledge that we have learned. I don’t have a business plan for the site, except generate a lot of excellent content for developers. I have some ideas for products that I hope to be able to implement and make a living off, but it will probably require a lot of work.
I’ll post more information as get further in this project.