Bog: Fra Knoglekræft til Ironman

Jeg har fået læst Gert Runes nye bog ” Fra Knoglekræft til Ironman” som udkommer i dag. Jeg var så heldig at få hørt hans foredrag torsdag hvor han også solgte bogen.

Fra Knoglekræft til Ironman Bog

Bogen indeholder Gerts historie fra han var ung og mistede sit ben til kræft. Alt det han har været igennem efter det med kun at have 1½ ben. Og hvordan han er han fandt på og gennemførte en Ironman i København.

Gert har et rigtigt levende sprog som får sig til virkeligt at leve sig ind i den teenagers liv, der lige pludselig skulle til at klare sig selv med kun et ben. Der bliver malet rigtig mange billeder som for det til at være livligt.

Det som er interessant er hvor meget det kun at have et ben gør ved en person. Vores samfund er bygget op på at vi ser ud på en måde. Hvis vi er uden for de normer er det meget svært for os at blive en del af fællesskabet, det kræver en indsats fra vores side at blive en del af det.

Et stor tema i bogen er udfordringer, Gert har oplevet hans liv med et ben. Det kan være hvordan får man fundet en cykel som man kan cykle med 1 ben og 2 arme eller hvordan man kan være teenageren.

Vi har alle udfordringer i vores liv og det er ikke alle nogle som vi selv har sagt ja til. Og vi helst ville undgå dem. Men de udfordringer skaber os som personer. Nogle kan få store betydninger for vores liv og vi skal derfor kunne find ud af hvordan vi håndtere dem. Gerts udfordringer sætter vores egne i perspektiv og det er meget brugbar i nogle situationer.

Sidst i bogen er en opsummering, hvor Gert Rune beskriver hvordan man kan håndtere udfordringer/problemer og det er nok den del som er mest brugbar. I den forstand at man kan bruge det på sig selv. Der er en god beskrivelse af hvordan man ser udfordringerne, som han illustrere med en pose. Det er en meget visuel måde at se på problemer. Denne del måtte gerne være lidt større.

Et andet tema er sygedoms historien, hvordan det opleves for en patient at være indlagt og få kræft behandlinger Gert fik. Bogen vil nok være meget god læsning for andre som oplever sådanne medicinske udfordringer og hvordan man alligevel kan komme tilbage og få et ”normalt liv”.

Nu hørte jeg hans foredrag før jeg læste bogen, der er nogle gentagelser men bogen er meget mere detaljeret på nogle områder. Der var også emner som egnede sig bedre til at høre ved foredraget. I den forbindelse passer bogen meget godt sammen og giver en mulighed for at sætte sig lidt mere ind i Gerts udfordringer. Bogen kan så tjene til inspiration af at man godt kan klare de udfordringer.

Du kan købe bogen eller til Gert Runes foredrag.



Supporting and acknowledge in sports

I was helping out at Islev Triathlons yearly Duathlon (5 km run, 25 km bike and 5 km run and a half distance). I was watching one of the crossings one the bike course.

I was supposed to watch and notify the cars on the bike riders and make sure they stopped and saw the cars. There was only a few times where we had to watch for the cars, mostly seem to work out without any problems.

To spend the time I started to cheer on the riders. I remember when people cheered at me, when I was out on my bike or other places, it gave an extra kick. Think that somebody is watching what I’m doing and helping me gives energy. I don’t want to let the people who believe in me down.

I have not been cheering that much on foreign people. But this time I was able to give comments that hopefully inspired a few. I became almost high from giving them feedback. I’m not sure if it is the unselfish act that triggers this energy or the use or an alternative way to give more.

Some of the drivers how drove by gave a few signs of thank you. It was nice to know that they linked the feedback and it made them perform at a higher level.

Some of the car drivers, how drove by, also waved to me. It was as they liked the part of having energetic people around. It would be interesting if this showing extra energy also affect other people not involved with the race.

It was a fantastic day and I had a lot of fun and enjoyed being outdoor for the morning. Even though I was unable to see the Formula One Race in Malaysia.

Taler konkurence om ”Tro kan flytte bjerge”

I dag var jeg til afdelingsmøde i JCI København. Dagens emne var JCIs konkurrence “Den Gyldne Mikrofon”.

Jeg valgte temaet “Tro kan flytte bjerge” og valgte at bruge min Ironman og de emner omkring det til at holde talen om. Talen kan du se her under.


Jeg fik en delt 2 plads med de tre øvrige deltager. Jeg var ret præcis med at få ramt de 5 minutter tale skulle være. Det var ret underholdene at holde præsentationen, selv om jeg var lidt presset til tider.

Der er mulighed for forbedringer i det. Et at dem var at jeg skulle bevæge mig mere rundt. Så skulle jeg have overholdt formalia meget bedre.

Det havde nok også hjulpet hvis jeg havde haft mulighed for at se uret og kunne disponere bedre ud fra det.

Jeg vil deltage næste gang. Det var vildt sjovt.

Motivation at work

I just saw a cool video on a blog by Robert Scoble on why he works at Rackspace.


It is a quite an interesting video, that shows that the purpose of creating anything is the most important when motivating people.

The video mentions studies that prove that a large bonus does not make us perform better jobs. That is the normal assumption, but people just want to get enough for them to survive and not caring about money.

I’m trying to work for a purpose and make the purpose grand enough that and, will trive. But I have probably not set the goal high enough and made it clear what the purpose is really about.

Unleash the Power Within

This weekend I was fortune enough to be able to go to Tony Robbins seminar “Unleash the Power Within” in Chicago. We were 2900 attending the seminar. It was a fantastic course with a lot of real interesting tools and ideas for creating an outstanding life. It will defiantly go in to the history as one of my best weekends.

The 2900 attendees at UPW

The first night we had the firewalk, where we walked on hot coals. We had to get into out state and learn to focus our minds on the outcome. The experience was very intense and showed what was possible with focus. Walking on 650-1000 degrees (1200-2000F) hot wood does not sound like something you would like to do for fun. But it was not any problem once we got started with walking.

Just after the fire walk, checking for burns.

We learned a whole bunch of useful tools, than which can be applied to everyday life to be better. This was what I had expected. I had thought that we will learn many more and then try to use the tools to work on creating our goals.

It was some really long days we had. I cannot imagine how it was possible to have such long sessions, with tools without many breaks. There was only a 1 hour lunch break to get something to eat, so it was not like you had breaks every hour. Instead we got up and danced or massaged the persons on our sides every half hour. This was a good way to keep the focus and being much more able to learn. I hope it would be possible on other conferences.

There was a lot of dancing to music, lots of screaming, clapping. It was like a rock concert and it helped lift the voice in the room to extreme levels. Probably the high excitement levels were most different was all and made it easier to learn. Imagine if this was possible in the schools.

Some of the guided sessions were very strong emotionally. It is not every day that I cry of happiness and sadness with short periods between. Just because I’m thinking about will/can happen.

I’m really amazed by how much Tony Robbins is cable of doing on the stage. He was on for 15 hours on Saturday with full energy the whole time. Everyone else had to take breaks during the sessions but he just keep going. Tony was having some problems with his voice and could not run the show for the whole weekend any more. Instead Joseph McClendon III was presenting on two days. Joseph did an outstanding job and was really funny, but he was not as a intense as Tony.

The only thing that I did not like was the all the focus on selling. A lot of products was sold and marketed on the event and with the strong feelings it was difficult to say no. It was really compelling to continue the journey. I sign up for some extra courses, which I hope will be just as intense.

Now I just have to see if the principles we have learned sticks with med. That is the ultimate test that it works. I believe, I need to go thru all my notes and work books again to remember it all that will be one task in the coming week.

I’m really glad I did go to the event, and would strongly recommend others to go and check UPW out. I cannot say it will change my life yet, but it defiantly has the potential to do it. I hope to keep updating the blog with some of the changes that I have applied from the course that have worked.




Confessions of a reboot virgin

This year was my first reboot. I have heard a great deal about the venue, but always too late to attend. This year thanks to twitter, I got the information about Reboot in time.

I have heard about reboot from Danish Radios Harddisken, from some of the previous conferences. They have made some great reports from the event. I got the impression that it was only IT people from Denmark, who came for the conference. That myth was blown away when I followed the twitter stream to the conference. There were quite a lot of foreigners and people from different industries.

The price was not an excuse compared to other conferences. The price was only €350 for two days compared to a standard SAP conference with a price of around €700 per day. And I did not have any consulting gig at the moment, so I did not have to take the days off.

My purpose with going to the conference this year was to get some inspiration for my startup, meet and learn from someone who have done a startup and get some inspiration for my life (Small issue). I have achieved all my goals for the conference. And what it even better, I had real fun in the process.

There were two days packed with all kind of talks. A large number of the talks were about something that I found interesting. It was difficult to pick the talks, because many of the talks, I wanted to hear, was at the same time. Luckily it was just to select one, and have fun with it.

The networking part of the conference was really easy. Everybody wanted to talk and learn from each others. I’m just starting to be a better networker, and be able to find the right people. But at this conference, it was really easy to start a conversation with other participants.

What did I learn on the conference? The reason for going to a conference is go meet new people, sell or learn something new. I did not sell anything, and it was not a goal. I have not processes my notes from Reboot yet, they are on my todo list. I don’t think I learned something, I can use on my job tomorrow. It has mostly some tools to help create, a vision for what I would like my future to be.

I think that the issue, with not learning something which can be used on the job tomorrow, can make it difficult to sell the idea of the conference to ones Boss. A way to justify the conference could be by seing this as a part of Stephen Covey’s habit. Habit 7 is about shaping the saw, get inspiration from outside. I see reboot as a way to step back from reality and get other inputs which will make life better.

I noticed some things which were different from my previous conferences.

  • The conference was ideological with the idea of Action. The Action was in many of the talks and thereby giving the word meaning.
  • Many presentations just had one word pr slide. This was a different way of presenting, than I have learned in my presentation courses. My previous experiences were just one slide pr 5 minutes, and then it should be a different way to paraphrase what was said or some graphics. The slides at reboot were more used to enhance the statement of the word. I have to learn more about this type of presenting, if it helps the learning experience.
  • People were working the whole time on their computers. But they were not doing work e-mails. It more looked like it was blogging or twitting. I was unable to follow the twitter stream and find interesting stories and blogs, hopefully I’ll find that information now.

The last part of the conference was probably the most interesting. The After party. It was held in “Kødbyen” and was a street party. In the beginning it did look really boring, just a few people sitting on chairs, but it turned out to be the coolest party. I did not know if it was possible to get 50+ people dancing in the street. The only bad thing about the party, was that it was shutdown because of noise regulations at 1am.

Then I want to say thanks to Thomas Mygdal-Madsen and all the other creators of the conference. Also the presenters did a great job, maybe a shame that they did not get evaluated. It was a blast to be a part of the conference and I hope that I’ll be able to be there next year also.

I did not bring my camera, but would have liked to have spiced up this post with some images. Instead try to look at flickr or Marias photos.